Cosmetic Tattooing

What is cosmetic tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing is a specialised form of tattoo artistry that enhances the natural features of your face. It involves a technique that implants coloured pigment into the dermal layer of your skin, with a small purpose made, disposable needle, to create the appearance of natural hair strokes or makeup.

It is also known as semi-permanent makeup or micro pigmentation. Unlike traditional body tattoos that use pure ink, cosmetic tattooing uses tertiary pigments. Overtime these pigments are designed to gradually fade. Fading is important, as it means that it is possible for you to change the colour and shape of your enhancements over time as your skin changes and your style evolves. 

Will cosmetic tattooing hurt?

Everybody is different and has a different pain threshold. Some of our clients say that they don’t feel any pain during treatment, while others experience some minor discomfort. 

Our artists do everything we can to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout your treatment. Before we begin, we apply a topical anaesthetic cream and gel that effectively numbs the area. We then reapply this throughout your treatment to minimise your discomfort. 

If you are a frequent smoker the topical anaesthetic treatment may not last as long. Or if you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia you skin may be more sensitive to this treatment. 

How well will cosmetic tattooing work for me?

There are many different factors that effect how well your skin will respond to cosmetic tattooing. And because everybody’s skin is different we can’t guarantee the results. 

• If you have very oily skin the Feather Touch (hair stroke) technique may not work very well for you. Because your skin constantly produces a lot of oil, the fine hair strokes tend to heal with a softer more diffused and powdery look. It is best to consult with one of our artists before getting treatment.

• If you are a frequent smoker, iron deficient or anaemic it is highly likely that the pigment will fade faster and that you will require a touch-up treatment sooner. 

• If you have previously had cosmetic tattooing and are wanting a cover-up or rework we will need to consult with you before treatment to determine if the area is treatable. We ask that you email us a clear photo of the area BEFORE booking treatment, so that we can assess the best way to approach your treatment. In some cases, where the previous tattooing is very dark, discoloured or saturated we may recommend that you have it removed before we begin. treatment. You should also be aware that previously tattooed areas and cover-up usually require additional touch-ups to achieve the best result. 

Who can’t have cosmetic tattooing treatment? 

We aren’t able to provide treatment to people with certain allergies or illnesses, or who are taking certain medications. These include:

• If you are pregnant or breast feeding
• Autoimmune or communicable diseases.
• Diabetes (can affect the healing of the area).
• Keloid Scarring.
• Any allergies, especially to Lignocaine or Tetracaine which is present in the anesthetic we use.
• Shingles on the face – we recommend waiting several months before you have treatment.
• Lithium – cosmetic tattoos have been shown not to hold well in people who take this medication. 
• If you have taken Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before having treatment.
•If you have taken any medication 4 weeks prior to getting your treatmen, particularly any antibiotics. Some antibiotics can cause photosensitivity, therefore it is detrimental to the end result.

We will require written doctors approval to treat you if you have:

• Heart problems
• Cancer, or are undergoing chemotherapy

Please talk to us prior to booking if you:

• Take medication regularly. Certain medications can thin the blood, which may mean that you bleed during treatment, which can effect the amount of pigment that is absorbed by the skin.
• Have a ruddy skin type.
• Have had Botox. We usually recommend having your cosmetic tattoo done prior to Botox treatment, or waiting until the Botox has settled before treatment.

If you take medication please tell us at the time of booking. Certain medications can thin the blood, which may mean that you bleed during treatment. Bleeding during treatment can effect the amount of pigment that is absorbed by the skin. 

How many treatments will I need?

Generally, most clients need two to three treatments, depending on their skin type (two treatments are included in the total treatment price). Your second treatment is usually performed 6-12 weeks after the first. At this visit, we evaluate how your skin has received the initial treatment and the level of colour retention. We then make any necessary adjustments to the pigment or technique. 

Most clients find that the colour lightens dramatically after a week, which is normal. While some people prefer the lighter tone, if you prefer a darker effect we can use a darker pigment at your second treatment to enhance it. 

What will my cosmetic tattoo look like immediately after?

It is normal to have some redness and a little bit of swelling immediately after your treatment. The colour of your cosmetic tattoo is also likely to be darker and more intense for the first few days. However, it will gradually lighten after the first week as the skin heals. 

What do I need to do after the procedure?

Generally, it takes a couple of weeks for the skin to heal after your treatment. During this time it is essential that you follow our after care instructions. You should not wear any makeup on or around the treated area for at least two weeks and avoid getting the area wet. For this reason, we recommend that you shouldn’t go on holiday for at least 1 month after the treatment.

What will my cosmetic tattoo look like after it heals?

It takes between 6 and 8 weeks for the area treated to heal fully. We expect the colour of your tattoo to lighten dramatically after a week, and the colour to settle and re-appear over the next few weeks. 

At your initial treatment we take the time to assess your skin’s undertone so that we can anticipate how your skin will hold the pigment. This allows us to create a mix of pigments that will blend naturally with your existing tones. At your second treatment, we evaluate how your skin has received the initial treatment and the level of colour retention. We then make any necessary adjustments to the pigment or technique. 

Most of our clients find that their cosmetic tattoo holds the colour well once the area has healed and gradually fades over time. As your skin ages and begins to break down the pigment, your cosmetic tattoo will look softer and have more of a ‘powdered’ look. This is a good thing, as it allows you to adapt the colour and shape of your enhancements over time, as your skin changes and your style evolves. 

Most of our clients find that their treatment needs to be refreshed every year or two. However, there are a number of different factors that effect how well your skin holds the pigment, from your skin type, to other lifestyle factors. For these reason the results do vary from person to person.

What do I need to know about long-term care?

How quickly your cosmetic tattoo fades depends upon your skin type and characteristics, the amount of sun exposure you get and the colour of the pigment used. Other cosmetic procedures can also effect it. 

Once it has healed we strongly recommend that you apply 50+ sunscreen to the area if you are in the sun. This will help protect your tattoo from sun exposure and maintain the colour. 

If you are planning a laser treatment, chemical peel, or other medical procedure, it is important to let the person treating you know that you have a cosmetic tattoo. 

How long will my cosmetic tattoo last?

Unlike traditional body tattoos that use ink, cosmetic tattooing uses pigments. Over time these pigments are designed to gradually fade. Fading is important, as it means that it is possible for you to change the colour and shape of your enhancements over time, as your skin changes and your style evolves. Most people find that their treatment needs to be refreshed every year or two. 

There are many different factors that effect how long your cosmetic tattoo lasts, including:

• Your skin type – different skin types break down the pigment at different rates.
• How quickly your skin regenerates – the slower your skin regenerates, the longer the pigment will hold. 
• The colour of the pigment used – lighter colours tend to fade faster.
• The speed at which you skin absorbs the pigment – The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold.
• Sun exposure – sun exposure will soften your tattoo over time, so we do recommend wearing sunscreen every day to prolong your treatment (one the area has healed).
• Chemical peels that come into contact with the area treated. 
• Bleeding during the procedure – Bleeding during the treatment does reduce the amount of pigment that is absorbed by your skin. Alcohol and certain medications thin your blood and should not be taken prior to and following your appointment.

Because of all these factors we can’t guarantee how long your cosmetic tattoo will last. Your treatment is performed over two more visits. At your second visit we evaluate how your skin has received the initial treatment and make any necessary adjustments to the pigment or technique. 

Is the equipment and salon safe?

At the Arch Stylist we pride ourselves on keeping the salon sterile, clean and comfortable. The treatment itself is very safe. We only use single-use, disposable needles and supplies. All needles and supplies are disposed off safely after each client’s treatment. And, we thoroughly clean and disinfect each treatment space at the start of the day and after each and every treatment. 

Can you correct or rework previous cosmetic tattooing I have had done?

If you are looking to have a previous cosmetic tattoo reworked, corrected or covered-up, we need you to email us a clear photo of the area prior to booking an appointment. In most cases we will need to consult with you before treatment to determine if the area is treatable and assess the best way to approach your treatment. In some cases, where the previous tattooing is very dark, discoloured, dense or large, we may recommend that you have it removed before we begin treatment. You should also be aware that previously tattooed areas and cover-up usually require additional touch-ups to achieve the best result.

How old do I have to be?

You must be 18 years or older to have cosmetic tattooing performed by The Arch Stylist. 

Can I be treated if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

As a precaution, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding we can’t perform cosmetic tattooing. 

How do I book?

You can book quickly and easily online now. 


However, please call or email hello@thearchstylist.com.au prior to booking if you:

• are looking to have a previous cosmetic tattoo reworked, corrected or covered-up.
• have heart problems, cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy.
• take medication regularly. Certain medications can thin the blood, which may mean that you bleed during treatment, which can effect the amount of pigment that is absorbed by the skin.
• have a ruddy skin type.
• have had Botox recently.